Ammar Awad, PhD candidate


Syrian by origin, born in 1989 in Emessa, the city of Saint Roman the Melodist, known today as the city of Homs.

Passionate about psaltic music since childhood, he graduated from "Saint Roman the Melodist" Vocational School in Homs in 2011 and started teaching psaltic music in the same school in 2012.

From 2008 on, he participated in several concerts with the school's choral group, in Syria and Lebanon, then joined the choir of the Institute of Orthodox Theology in Balamand (Lebanon) as a student, from 2013 to 2017.

In January 2019 he took part, as soloist, in the opening of the IOTA Symposium in Iași, Romania.

He is also a graduate of Architecture (Homs), Orthodox Theology (Balamand), and currently a PhD student in Liturgical Theology in Iasi.


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